I use Adobe Audition to edit my podcast. I find it simple enough to use without it giving me a massive headache – so that's a plus in my mind. While it offers a full suite of features to do all kinds of effects and edits, the one I mostly focus on now with my new podcast studio is the reverb effect. Rodecaster Pro Multitrack Recording Tutorial and Demo The Rodecaster Pro can be used and a multitrack recording control surface with Adobe Audition. Here's a tutorial and demo showi. Rode Rodecaster Pro Integrated ($722) We promise; the Rodecaster Pro isn’t anything like you’ve seen before. As a venture by the Rode team – one of the podcast industry’s most notable equipment companies – the Rodecaster mixer is developed as a one-stop solution to a solid audio interface. RODE Microphones has released a new beta firmware update version 2.1.2 for their RODECaster Pro podcasting studio. Furthermore you’re able to record directly into your audio program of choice such as Adobe Audition or Logic. You may also record (via an update) either via multitrack (which allows the device to record each channel individually) or as a stereo mix (which records all channels as 1) Though, with the Rode RODECaster Pro, you’ll be up.
Earlier this year, we announced the first major firmware update for the RØDECaster Pro Podcast Production Studio. This introduced a stack of new features, including an updated user interface, mix-minus on the USB output and the much-anticipated multitrack to USB functionality.
How To Set Up Multitrack Recording on The RØDECaster Pro
Multitrack mode (called ‘multi-channel’ mode on the RØDECaster) allows you to record not only the stereo mix of your podcast (as was previously the case with the RØDECaster) but also each individual track, allowing you to mix and edit your podcast in post-production.
This is activated via the RØDECaster Pro’s ‘Advanced’ settings. Once activated, an additional RØDECaster Pro USB output device will appear on your computer, in addition to the regular stereo USB output.
This additional USB device has 14 different sources available. The first two tracks are the stereo mix, exactly as the RØDECaster Pro records to the microSD card. The remaining tracks represent the sources on the RØDECaster Pro, going from left to right across the console – starting with Mic 1 and going across through Mics 2, 3 and 4, the USB input, TRRS phone connector, Bluetooth input, and finally the sound pads. The mic channels are single mono tracks, and all the other tracks are stereo – first left, then right. There is also the option to remove audio processing from the multitrack outputs, while it remains on main stereo mix
The process for accessing and allocating tracks on you computer will vary dependfing on what DAW and operating system you use. We have created a handy suite of walkthroughs to guide you through these processes. The DAWs we have covered are Audition, GarageBand, Logic Pro X, ProTools, and Reaper. Download the right one for your DAW below, or download the entire suite here.
Download the walkthroughs | ||
Audition | Mac | PC |
Garageband | Mac | |
Logic Pro X | Mac | |
ProTools | Mac | PC |
Reaper | Mac | PC |
Keep an eye on the RØDECaster Pro page for further updates to the firmware and subscribe to our mailing list to be notified of further releases. If you have any further questions about your RØDECaster Pro, get in touch with us here.
Audio Processing Setup: Stacks, Racks, & Chains
Starting at $75!
It used to be OK to just send out your recordings “flat” or “dry” with no processing of any kind. Those were the old days when every production had a skilled audio engineer whose job was to spruce up your audio, sweeten, master, that sort of thing.
Now, in many cases, the audio you deliver should be “ready for air”, or at least sound that way. Your file may go right into their Final Cut session, as is, and have a very hard time “cutting” in the mix. Especially AUDITIONS should be processed!
George knows WHAT IT TAKES, and how to reproduce professional results with YOUR studio and software. He’ll show you how in an easy to learn and repeat method, on almost any audio recording software available.
But is there a “one-preset-fits-all” or do you need more than one? If you have several to many different genre clients or genre demos you’ll notice the way you perform and your voice is processed may be different for each. For example: You may find it best to have a commercial, telephony, and audiobook genre-specific preset.
George Whittam will review your audio, come up with a processing scheme for your voice, style of read, and recording software. Then we’ll send you the sample for approval, along with instructions explaining how to reproduce the settings in an easy to use preset (template/chain/stack/rack)!
Currently the supported DAW’s are:
- TwistedWave for Mac and iOS (iOS can only have one setting stored)
- SoundForge Pro (Audio Studio not supported)

- Adobe Audition 1.5, 3.0, CS, CC
- iZotope Nectar or Ozone
- iZotope RX7 Editor Module Chain (Elements plug-ins only supported at this time)
- Garageband
- Logic Pro X
- StudioOne
- Pro Tools
- Audacity
- Reaper
Ap twitter hack. Other DAW’s considered on a case-by-case basis, contact us
George Whittam will:
Rodecaster Pro Amazon
- review your audio sample
- process it for your voice, style of read, and studio acoustics
- send you a processed sample for approval
- send instructions on how to import the custom preset
Rodecaster Pro App Windows
Just follow the TWO easy steps!
Rodecaster Pro Alternative

STEP 1: Purchase a the service for your DAW (recording software)
Buy 2 get 1 FREE for TwistedWave or Audition if you order a “3 pack”.
Looking for audiobook mastering to ACX specs? CLICK HERE (there’s more to the process)
-If you need analog equipment or UAD plugins dialed, in please schedule a support session
-Don’t see your DAW listed? Pleaseschedule a support session instead
STEP 2: Send your recording samples and studio description
If you don’t follow these instructions, there will be a delay in completing the project as we must ask you for this information, which puts your project back into the queue.
Using the submission form below, please send your audio samples, and a document (.txt, .doc, .docx, PDF) with the name and version of your DAW software (eg: Audition CC 2017), a description of your equipment, and any notes that will assist us with your goals. You can drag as many files in via the uploader below as needed. ONLY ONE AUDIO SAMPLE PER PRESET! If you have 3 files you want to process, that’s 3 presets.
If your source audio is not useable, we’ll let you know with instructions for next steps on how to resolve the issues.
For best results, audio files should be as follows:

• MP3 (Mono, 128 kbps or higher), AIFF, or WAV
• No longer than 1 minute
• Read ACTUAL COPY in the style you need a preset for
• Include few seconds of “live mic” silence at the beginning or end of the read, so we can hear the room tone
• One audio file per preset
• Filename(s) must start with your name and the files’ genre (e.g., GeorgeWhittam-commercial.wav)
• Audio should have no processing or normalization applied – send it exactly as it came from your mic!
You may apply de-clicking if that’s part of your editing process.
Upload your files below!
Enter your email into the box below, click NEXT, and then drag each of your files into the box. You can upload as many individual files as needed for the service. The files will be sent to George’s Dropbox in a folder titled with your email address. You won’t get an email confirmation of receipt, but George will receive an email notifying that you’ve delivered your files.
George will usually send your processed file and set-up instructions within 5 work days.
Rush charge of $70 available for under 24 hour turnaround