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- Wps Office To Microsoft Word Download
- Wps Office To Microsoft Word Format
- Wps Office Vs Microsoft Word

To view a Microsoft Works .wps file in Microsoft Word, you need a converter that enables Microsoft Word to view the files.
Microsoft provides a free file called WorksConv.exe that is compatible with Microsoft Word 2000 and later, allowing you to open Microsoft Works 6.0 to 9.0 documents.
Select the list you want to sort. On the Home tab, click Sort. In the Sort Text dialog box: Under Sort by, select Paragraphs. Next to Type, select Text. Choose Ascending or Descending. With Word for the web you can create numbered and bulleted lists, but you can’t sort lists alphabetically. First of all, latest versions of Microsoft Word (since version 2010) actually support documents (.wps) from Microsoft Works and can simply open these documents and re-save to other formats, including.doc files. With PDF, Cloud, OCR, file repair, and other powerful tools, WPS Office is quickly becoming more and more people’s first choice in office software. Powerful PDF PDF editing, PDF to word, PDF comment, PDF sign, PDF compress, etc.

To open older .wps documents created with Microsoft Works 4.0 or 4.5, Microsoft provides Wks4Converter_en-US.msi.
We recommend downloading and installing both of these files.
TipMicrosoft Word 2013 is capable of opening Microsoft Works 6.0 to 9.0 documents by default. However, you still need to download and install the Wks4Converter_en-US.msi file to open Microsoft Works 4.0 or 4.5 documents.
Once these files are downloaded, follow the steps listed below.
- Close any open Microsoft Word windows.
- Double-click the WorksConv.exe file and follow the prompts to install it. Then, double-click the Wks4Converter_en-US.msi file and follow the prompts to install as well.
- After installing both files, open Microsoft Word.
- In Microsoft Word, click File and then click Open. If there is no File menu, click the Microsoft Office button in the top-left of the Word window, then click Open.
In Word 2013, after clicking the Open option, you need to select Computer, then click Browse.
In Word 2016 and later, after clicking the Open option, you need to click Browse.
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- In the Open window, in the File type drop-down menu or the unlabeled drop-down menu next to File name are: Works 4.x (*.wps), Works 6-9 Document (*.wps), and Works 6.0 (*.wps).
- Select the appropriate version of Works for the file you are opening. If you're not sure which version your Works file is, try the Works 6-9 Document (*.wps) option first.
- Browse to the location of the Works file you want to open, select the file, then click Open.
After I open the file, it's not formatted properly
Depending on the Microsoft Works file, it may look strange because formatting is not converted correctly. If this occurs, try opening the file as a different Works version. If this does not work, you'll have to change the formatting manually in Word if you want it to display correctly.
Saving the file as a Word file
If you want to continue to use this file or want to make it compatible with Microsoft Word, follow the steps below.
- After the file is opened and edited, click File and choose Save As. If there is no File menu, click the Microsoft Office button in the top-left of the Word window, then click Save As.
- In the Save As window, select the location you want to save the file.
In Microsoft Word 2016 and later, you need to click the Browse option after clicking the File tab to open the Save As window.
- Type a name for the file if you want to change it.
- In the Save as typedrop-down menu or the unlabeled drop-down menu next to the File name text field, make sure to select Microsoft Word (*.docx).
- Click Ok or Save when done.
Additional information
- See our Microsoft Word and Microsoft Works definitions for further information and related links.
Kingsoft Office Free is the completely free version of the award-winning office suite Kingsoft developed to compete against the giant Microsoft Office. Though it doesn't contain all of the features you might need in a business environment, the free version of this software bundle is suitable for high school pupils or the occasional writer.
Featuring 3 main products, Kingsoft Office Free includes a clone of Word, a clone of Excel and one of Powerpoint; with that said, it is able to edit and save files produced by those three Microsoft Office products and does it with a lot more speed and less system resources than its Microsoft counterparts.
Wps Office To Microsoft Word Download
The main reason why Kingsofts Office Free outperforms the expensive products that Microsoft sells is mainly because it includes less features which business normally demand. But if you're sitting at home and you want to read or create a Word (.doc) document, then this program is great.
So if you want to install this program and you're moving away from a Microsoft-dominated environment, then just remember:
Microsoft Word -> Kingsoft Writer.
Microsoft Excel -> Kingsoft Spreadsheet.
Microsoft Powerpoint -> Kingsoft Presenter.
WPS Office is software which can open DOC and DOCX files.
Features and highlights
- High compatibility with Microsoft Office Suite
- Built-in PDF conversion tool
- Automatic spell check, similar to MS Office
- Tabbed-viewing, something Office lacks
- Allows document data encryption
- Possible to share files via Email within the application
WPS Office on 32-bit and 64-bit PCs
This download is licensed as freeware for the Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) operating system on a laptop or desktop PC from office software without restrictions. Kingsoft Office Free is available to all software users as a free download for Windows. It's free to use, but some features within the application are limited as the program is classed as 'Freemium'.
Wps Office To Microsoft Word Format
Filed under:Wps Office Vs Microsoft Word
- WPS Office Download
- Freeware Office Software
- Major release: WPS Office 10.2
- Word Processing Software