My first blog posting I want to start with a great piece of software called “Citrix Desktop Lock”. Im sure one or two heard about the plugin. What is Citrix Desktop Lock? Citrix Desktop Lock will convert your Windows FatClient/ThinClient into a Kiosk Appliance. After the user has entered his domain credentials he won’t see anything from the installed Windows OS and will automatically launch his assigned Published Desktop. When you login with a local admin account you will regain full control of the OS. Sounds lovely? It is 🙂
2.install without the usb component. 3.use powershell to call the install and then move the mouse during install. I end up using #1 for my own deployment. You can search 'Citrix usb mdt stuck' to see how other people work around this issue. Citrix Workspace app is the new universal app for all workspace services, that will encompass all Citrix clients and app capabilities over time. This article describes how to suppress the Add Account window in Citrix Receiver for Windows. Note: This article is applicable for Receiver for Windows 4.4.1000 and later. CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /silent SELFSERVICEMODE=false to install Citrix Workspace app in non-Self Service Mode. Specify Uninstall program as CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /silent /uninstall (to enable uninstallation through SCCM). In the Detection Method pane: Select Configure rules to detect the presence of this deployment type and click Add Clause.
How is it done?
We had a lot of problems getting Citrix Receiver to install correctly in our task sequence. During imaging it would hang until you moved the mouse or it timed out. Apparently this is a semi-common problem due to how Citrix Receiver installs USB support. HKEYCURRENTUSERSoftwareCitrixSplashscreen SplashscreenShown=1. This value is a string or REGSZ value. I have tested this procedure on Windows 10 v1809, Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2019 with Citrix Workspace App 1812. Try it out and silence that Citrix Workspace App!
Citrix Desktop Lock is changing the default shell when a user is logging in.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon]
Windows OS Default
Kindle on laptop mac. “Shell”=”Explorer.exe”
After installing Desktop Lock: Contoh rab marketing.
Citrix Workspace Silent Install Options
“Shell”=”C:Program FilesCitrixICA ClientSelfServicePluginselfservice.exe”
Citrix Workspace App Command Line Switches

- Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7 (including Embedded Edition), Windows 7 Thin PC
- Connects to StoreFront through native protocols only
- Domain-joined end points
- User devices must be connected to a local area network (LAN) or wide area network (WAN).
- 3Dpro, Flash, USB, HDX Insight, Microsoft Lync 2013 plug-in, and local app access
- Domain, two-factor, or smart card authentication only
- Flash redirection is disabled on Windows 8 and later versions. Flash redirection is enabled on Windows 7
Step 1 – Preparation
Before you are going to install the Citrix Desktop Lock on a workstation you first need to install Citrix Receiver with the Single-Sign-On Parameter.
CitrixReceiver.exe /includeSSON
In addition you need a configured StoreFront account on the machine, otherwise the installation of Desktop Lock will fail. Im doing this with Microsoft Group Policy.
CitrixReceiver.exe /includeSSON
STORE0=”DesktopStore;https://my.storefront.server/Citrix/MyStore/discovery;on;Desktop Store”
To make the autolaunch of the Published Desktop possible you need to configure Pass-Trough Authentication. Check CTX133982
Step 2 – Installation
Download the current release of Citrix Desktop Lock.
msiexec /i CitrixReceiverDesktopLock.msi /qn
Important: You always need the proper Citrix Receiver/Desktop Lock Version
Step 3 – Test
Logon with a domain user and it should auto launch your published desktop.
Important – Good to Know
After you lock (Windows + L) the workstation the Published Desktop always will receive a logoff command.
Result: The user wants to unlock his computer and it took at least 15 seconds to access the desktop again (logon process). You can remain the ICA Session with setting a registry key on the client. It depends on your needs 😎
32-bit Windows
Name: LiveInDesktopDisconnectonLock
Type: REG_SZ
Value: False
64-bit Windows
Name: LiveInDesktopDisconnectonLock
Type: REG_SZ
Value: False