Codecademy Html Cheat Sheet

HTML input elements can be of type number.These input fields allow the user to enter only numbers and a few special characters inside the field. The example code block shows an input with a type of number and a name of balance.When the input field is a part of a form, the form will receive a key-value pair with the format: name: value after form submission. Semantic HTML introduces us to,. Allows us to add videos to our website. Allows us to implement audio into our website. Can be used to implement any type of media. These elements are universal in that they all use the src attribute to link the source of the content. And requires a closing tag while is a self-closing tag.

University of the Fraser Valley.

This cheat sheet - or HTML code quick reference - lists the common HTML tags and their attributes, grouped into relevant sections in an easy-to-read format.

What is html? What are tags? - Perhaps check out where to start or what is html first :-)

Html Code Cheat Sheet

Basic HTML Structure Help | Top
Common Tags for Blogs Help | Top
<h?> heading </h?>Heading (h1 for largest to h6 for smallest)
<p> paragraph </p>Paragraph of Text
<b> bold </b>Make text between tags bold
<i> italic </i>Make text between tags italic
<a href='url'> link name </a>Create a link to another page or website
<div> ... </div>Divide up page content into sections, and applying styles
<img src='filename.jpg'>Show an image
<ul> <li> list </li> </ul>Unordered, bullet-point list
<br>Line Break (force a new line)
<span> red </span>Use CSS style to change text colour
Text Formatting Help | Top
<h?> ... </h?>Heading (?= 1 for largest to 6 for smallest, eg h1)
<b> ... </b>Bold Text
<i> ... </i>Italic Text
<u> ... </u>Underline Text
<strike> ... </strike>Strikeout
<sup> ... </sup>Superscript - Smaller text placed below normal text
<sub> ... </sub>Subscript - Smaller text placed below normal text
<small> ... </small>Small - Fineprint size text
<tt> ... </tt>Typewriter Text
<pre> ... </pre>Pre-formatted Text
<blockquote> ... </blockquote>Text Block Quote
<strong> ... </strong>Strong - Shown as Bold in most browsers
<em> ... </em>Emphasis - Shown as Italics in most browsers
<font> ... </font>Font tag obsolete, use CSS. (*)
Section Divisions Help | Top
<div> ... </div>Division or Section of Page Content
<span> ... </span>Section of text within other content
<p> ... </p>Paragraph of Text
<br>Line Break
<hr>Basic Horizontal Line
<hr> Tag Attributes:
size='?'Line Thickness in pixels
width='?'Line Width in pixels
width='??%'Line Width as a percentage
color='#??????'Line Colour(*)
align='?'Horizontal Alignment: left, center, right(*)
noshadeNo 3D cut-out
<nobr> ... </nobr>Line Break
Images Help | Top
<img src='url' alt='text'>Basic Image
<img> Tag Attributes:
src='url'URL or filename of image (required!)
alt='text'Alternate Text (required!)
align='?'Image alignment within surrounding text (*)
width='??'Image width (in pixels or %)
height='??'Image height (in pixels or %)
border='??'Border thickness (in pixels) (*)
vspace='??'Space above and below image (in pixels) (*)
hspace='??'Space on either side of image (in pixels) (*)
Linking Tags Help | Top
<a href='url'> link text </a>Basic Link
<a> Tag Attributes:
href='url'Location (url) of page to link to.
name='??'Name of link (name of anchor, or name of bookmark)
target='?'Link target location: _self, _blank, _top, _parent.
href='url#bookmark'Link to a bookmark (defined with name attribute).
href='mailto:email'Link which initiates an email (dependant on user's email client).
Lists Help | Top
<ol> ... </ol>Ordered List
<ul> ... </ul>Un-ordered List
<li> ... </li>List Item (within ordered or unordered)
<ol type='?'>Ordered list type: A, a, I, i, 1
<ol start='??'>Ordered list starting value
<ul type='?'>Unordered list bullet type: disc, circle, square
<li value='??'>List Item Value (changes current and subsequent items)
<li type='??'>List Item Type (changes only current item)
<dl> ... </dl>Definition List
<dt> ... </dt>Term or phrase being defined
<dd> ... </dd>Detailed Definition of term
Tables Help | Top
<table> ... </table>Define a Table
<table> Tag Attributes:
border='?'Thickness of outside border
bordercolor='#??????'Border Colour
cellspacing='?'Space between cells (pixels)
cellpadding='?'Space between cell wall and content
align='??'Horizontal Alignment: left, center, right(*)
bgcolor='#??????'Background Colour (*)
width='??'Table Width (pixels or %) (*)
height='??'Table Height (pixels or %) (*)
<tr> ... </tr>Table Row within table
<th> ... </th>Header Cell within table row
<td> ... </td>Table Cell within table row
<td> Tag Attributes:
colspan='?'Number of columns the cell spans across (cell merge)
rowspan='?'Number of row a cell spans across (cell merge)
width='??'Cell Width (pixels or %) (*)
height='??'Cell Height (pixels or %) (*)
bgcolor='#??????'Background Colour (*)
align='??'Horizontal Alignment: left, center, right(*)
valign='??'Vertical Alignment: top, middle, bottom(*)
nowrapForce no line breaks in a particular cell
Frames Help | Top
<frameset> ... </frameset>Define the set of Frames
<frameset> Tag Attributes:
rows='??,??, ...'Define row sizes & number of rows (size in pixels or %)
cols='??,??, ...'Define column sizes & number of columns (size in pixels or %)
noresize='noresize'User cannot resize any frames in frameset
<frame> ... </frame>Define a frame within the frameset
<frame> Tag Attributes:
src='url'Location of HTML File for a frame
name='***'Unique name of frame window
marginwidth='?'Horizontal margin spacing inside frame (pixels)
marginheight='?'Vertical margin spacing inside frame (pixels)
noresize='noresize'Declare all frameset sizes as fixed
scrolling='***'Can the user scroll inside the frame: yes, no, auto
frameborder='?'Frame Border: (1=yes, 2=no)
bordercolor='#??????'Border Colour (*)
<noframes> ... </noframes>Unframed content (for browsers not supporting frames)
Forms Help | Top
<form> ... </form>Form input group decleration
<form> Tag Attributes:
action='url'URL of Form Script
method='***'Method of Form: get, post
enctype='***'For File Upload: enctype='multipart/form-data'
<input> ... </input>Input field within form
<input> Tag Attributes:
type='***'Input Field Type: text, password, checkbox, submit etc.
name='***'Form Field Name (for form processing script)
value='***'Value of Input Field
size='***'Field Size
maxlength='?'Maximum Length of Input Field Data
checkedMark selected field in radio button group or checkbox
<select> ... </select>Select options from drop down list
<select> Tag Attributes:
name='***'Drop Down Combo-Box Name (for form processing script)
size='?'Number of selectable options
multipleAllow multiple selections
<option> ... </option>Option (item) within drop down list
<option> Tag Attributes:
value='***'Option Value
selectedSet option as default selected option
<textarea> ... </textarea>Large area for text input
<textarea> Tag Attributes:
name='***'Text Area Name (for form processing script)
rows='?'Number of rows of text shown
cols='?'Number of columns (characters per rows)
wrap='***'Word Wrapping: off, hard, soft
Codecademy html cheat sheet pdf
Special Characters Help | Top
&lt;< - Less-Than Symbol
&gt;> - Greater-Than Symbol
&amp;& - Ampersand, or 'and' sign
&quot;' - Quotation Mark
&copy;© - Copyright Symbol
&trade; - Trademark Symbol
&nbsp; - A space (non-breaking space)
&#??;ISO 8859-1 character - replace ?? with the iso code
Miscellaneous Tags Help | Top
<!-- ... -->Comment within HTML source code
<!DOCTYPE html ... >Document Type Definition (wiki)
<meta> ... </meta>META information tag
<meta> Tag Attributes:
name='***'Meta name: description, keywords, author
http-equiv='***'HTTP Equivalent Info: title, etc.
content='***'Information content
<link>LINK content relationship tag
<link> Tag Attributes:
rel='***'Type of forward relationship
http='url'Location (URL) of object or file being linked
type='***'Type of object or file, eg: text/css
title='***'Link title (optional)
Body Background & Colours Help | Top
<body> Tag Attributes:
background='url'Background Image (*)
bgcolor='#??????' Background Colour(*)
text='#??????' Document Text Colour (*)
link='#??????' Link Colour (*)
vlink='#??????' Visited Link Colour (*)
alink='#??????' Active Link Colour (*)
bgproperties='fixed' Background Properties - 'Fixed' = non-scrolling watermark (*)
leftmargin='?' Side Margin Size in Pixels (Internet Explorer) (*)
topmargin='?' Top Margin Size in Pixels (Internet Explorer) (*)

(*) Important Note:

Tags marked with (*) should still work, but have been superseded by Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), which is now the recommended way to change the font, colour, spacing, border or alignment of HTML elements.

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Codecademy Html Cheat Sheet Template

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How do I share my own solutions?

  • If you completed the project off-platform, you can upload your project to your own GitHub and share the public link on the relevant project topic.
  • If you completed the project in the Codecademy learning environment, use the share code link at the bottom of your code editor to create a gist, and then share that link here.

Do I really need to get set up on GitHub?
Yes! Both of these sharing methods require you to get set up on GitHub, and trust us, it’s worth your time. Here’s why:

Codecademy Html

  1. Once you have your project in GitHub, you’ll be able to share proof of your work with potential employers, and link out to it on your CV.
  2. It’s a great opportunity to get your feet wet using a development tool that tech workers use on the job, every day.

Not sure how to get started? We’ve got you covered - read this article for the easiest way to get set up on GitHub.

Best practices for asking questions about the sample solution

Codecademy Html Cheat Sheet 2019

  • Be specific! Reference exact line numbers and syntax so others are able to identify the area of the code you have questions about.